Health & Human Services

The Gente Buena Foundation stands resolute in its mission to safeguard the well-being of San Pedro de los Landeros. Armed with the insights gleaned from a recent health needs assessment, we’re charting a course towards a healthier, safer future for the community.

Prioritizing Local Emergency Response:

Our health assessment revealed critical gaps in the emergency response system, particularly the lack of readily available ambulance services. GBF recognizes the crucial role local residents can play in bridging this gap until medical care arrives.

Empowering the Community as First Responders:

GBF prioritizes empowering residents to be active participants in their own well-being and community safety. We’re launching training programs to create a network of first responders equipped with essential skills:

  • Basic first aid and CPR: These skills can stabilize patients and increase their chances of survival until they reach a medical facility.
  • Search and rescue techniques (depending on needs): Residents can be trained in basic search and rescue techniques to locate and assist those in need during emergencies, especially when timely medical care is crucial.

Combating Mosquito-Borne Diseases:

Mosquitoes pose a significant threat, transmitting diseases like dengue and malaria. Every year, mosquito-borne illnesses claim the lives of over 700,000 people worldwide, with children disproportionately affected. GBF, in collaboration with health authorities, is launching a multi-pronged attack:

  • Community Education Workshops: Educating residents on:
    • Identifying and eliminating mosquito breeding grounds (standing water) around homes and communities.
    • The safe application of repellents and insecticides, following recommended guidelines to avoid misuse.
    • Sourcing and Dispensing Medication: We will work with local healthcare providers to ensure residents have access to appropriate medication for the treatment and prevention of mosquito-borne diseases. This may involve partnering with pharmacies or setting up mobile clinics in high-risk areas.
    • The Importance of Mosquito Nets: GBF will distribute long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets (LLINs) and educate residents on their proper use. These nets are a proven and cost-effective way to prevent mosquito bites while sleeping, a time when people are most vulnerable.
    • Raising community awareness about mosquito-borne diseases, including their symptoms, prevention methods, and the importance of seeking medical attention promptly if symptoms arise.

By prioritizing local emergency response capabilities, empowering residents with essential medical skills, and promoting proactive health measures, GBF aspires to build a San Pedro de los Landeros brimming with resilience. A community prepared to handle medical emergencies, coupled with the fight against mosquito-borne diseases, will pave the way for a future where safety and well-being are cornerstones of a thriving town.

* Gente Buena Foundation is not accepting grant proposals.