Community Building & Stewardship

San Pedro de Los Landeros is a vibrant community centered around its ejido, a traditional landholding system with a rich history in Mexico. Governed by a democratically elected ejido council, these communal lands provide residents with vital resources and a strong sense of identity. A strong ejido is fundamental to the well-being of San Pedro de Los Landeros, and the Gente Buena Foundation (GBF) is dedicated to fostering its continued success.

Rooted in Community:

Ejidos are a cornerstone of Mexican rural life, combining communal ownership of land with individual use parcels. The ejido council, elected by member residents, plays a crucial role in managing resources, resolving disputes, and ensuring the land’s long-term sustainability. A thriving ejido strengthens San Pedro de Los Landeros in several ways:

  • Economic Security: The ejido provides residents with access to land for agriculture, livestock grazing, or small businesses, contributing to the town’s economic stability.
  • Cultural Heritage: Ejidos embody traditions of communal stewardship and resource management, fostering a unique cultural identity within San Pedro de Los Landeros.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Sustainable land management practices encouraged by the ejido council can protect natural resources and ensure a healthy environment for future generations.

Unleashing Local Solutions:

The Gente Buena Foundation (GBF) recognizes the importance of a strong ejido and is committed to supporting resident-led efforts within San Pedro de Los Landeros. Our new initiative focuses on:

  • Providing Resources: The GBF will offer resources to fuel resident-driven initiatives within the ejido. This could include training workshops, seed funding, and access to tools and materials for projects that benefit the community.
  • Foster Collaboration: We’ll create a platform for residents to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects that matter to them. This could involve online forums, community meetings, or mentorship programs.
  • Celebrate Success Stories: The GBF will shine a spotlight on the many ways residents are already making a positive impact within the ejido. Recognizing and celebrating these efforts inspires others and fosters a sense of community pride.

* Gente Buena Foundation is not accepting grant proposals.