Transportation & Infrastructure

The Gente Buena Foundation is proud to announce a new collaborative initiative focused on investing in local transportation and infrastructure for San Pedro de Los Landeros. We recognize the importance of reliable and safe transportation for all residents, and we’re committed to working alongside local authorities, community leaders, and landowners to make this vision a reality.

This initiative places a particular emphasis on expanding public transit options, fostering a more connected and thriving community.

Building Bridges, Building a Better Future:

Through strong partnerships, this initiative aims to:

  • Expand Public Transit: The GFB is currently in discussions with local authorities to increase bus service to underserved areas. To ensure optimal placement of new bus stops, we’re initiating conversations with community leaders and landowners to identify bus stops, increasing access to workplaces, schools, healthcare facilities, and shopping centers. 
  • Enhancing Safety: Alongside increased bus service, we’re working to include lighting at bus stops and along major pedestrian thoroughfares. This will make nighttime travel safer and more comfortable for all residents.
  • Improved Access to Healthcare: Expanding public transit will grant residents easier access to critical healthcare services, including clinics and hospitals. This is especially important for residents with limited mobility or those relying on public transportation.

The Benefits of a Connected Community:

Investing in local transportation and infrastructure offers a multitude of benefits for San Pedro de Los Landeros:

  • Increased Mobility: A robust public transit system empowers residents to navigate the town with ease, regardless of age or income level. This fosters greater independence and opens up new opportunities for employment, education, and recreation.
  • Economic Growth: A well-connected community fosters economic development. Improved public transit attracts businesses and residents, creating a vibrant and dynamic town center.
  • Enhanced Public Safety: Well-lit streets and bus stops deter crime and create a safer environment for everyone. Residents can feel confident walking or using public transit after dark.

* Gente Buena Foundation is not accepting grant proposals.